還不錯玩的東西~~~ ^0^
規則: http://focusc.blogspot.com/2008/02/flickr-photo-survey-1-answer-questions.html
flickr : http://www.flickr.com/
1) Answer the questions below
>> 回答下面的問題.
2) Take each answer and type it into Flickr
>> 在Flickr中搜尋所填的答案.
3) Take a picture from the first page of results and post.
>> 在搜尋結果的第一頁中挑出一張喜歡的照片, 然後貼到網誌上.
4) You can't copy the person's answers who posted this before you!
>> 不要把別人的答案一起貼上去了喔!
ps. 選照片的時候記得用 most relevant來選, 不要作弊用 most interesting來選喔.
1. Your Name:
2. A place you'd like to travel:
3. Your favorite place:
4. Your favorite drink:
5. Your favorite animal:
6. Your favorite color:
7. The first name of your significant other:
8. Favorite singer/band:
9. A bad habit you have:
10. Your worst fear:
11. When's your birthday?
12. What kind of car do you have?
13. Favorite hobby:
14. Favorite TV show:
15. Who's your celebrity crush:
16. Favorite movie:
17. Favorite Disney Princess:
18. The name of your pet:
19. Where's your favorite vacation spot:
20. Favorite dessert:
21. Favorite letter:
22. Your last name:
23. When's your favorite time of the day?
24. What's your favorite accessory?
25. What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
26. One word to describe yourself:
1. Your Name:貓尾巴
2. A place you'd like to travel:埃及
3. Your favorite place:日本京都
4. Your favorite drink:曼特寧咖啡
5. Your favorite animal:cat
6. Your favorite color:紫色
7. The first name of your significant other:innocence
8. Favorite singer/band:Mr. Children
9. A bad habit you have:懶散
10. Your worst fear:生離死別
11. When's your birthday?0204
12. What kind of car do you have?機車
13. Favorite hobby:電影
14. Favorite TV show:drama
15. Who's your celebrity crush:松本潤.錦戶亮.小池徹平
16. Favorite movie:DEAD POETS SOCIETY
17. Favorite Disney Princess:Jasmine
18. The name of your pet:KIKI
19. Where's your favorite vacation spot:beach
20. Favorite dessert:宇治金時
21. Favorite letter:T
22. Your last name:Chen
23. When's your favorite time of the day?傍晚
24. What's your favorite accessory?watch
25. What's your favorite alcoholic drink?清酒
26. One word to describe yourself:治癒